Spirits United #ToastsNotTariffs Campaign

Posted 07/16/2020

DISCUS, our partner in the effort to resist additional tariffs on beverage alcohol products in conjunction with the Airbus case, recently shared with us that the volume of submissions from the beverage alcohol sector had a significant impact on the fact that additional tariffs were not implemented during the first "carousel" review. Thus, DISCUS is launching its Spirits United #ToastsNotTariffs campaign to continue this effort in the fight against tariffs on spirits. 

WSSA supports the Spirits United effort to help fight further tariffs on beverage alcohol, with the focus on the spirits industry. Spirits United represents a community of advocates for the industry and generates grassroots efforts to help the industry engage on issues and easily communicate their concerns to government officials.

Below is the link to their latest campaign to help in the fight against additional tariffs on EU origin distilled spirits being considered in the WTO Airbus case and fighting to remove tariffs on USA whiskeys exported to EU countries. The link provides one-click access to elected officials in your area so you can submit your concerns. Every comment helps, and WSSA and Spirits United thank you for your support! #ToastsNotTariffs