Wildfires Threaten Sonoma County

Posted 10/29/2019

Wildfires blazing across Sonoma County today have wreaked havoc and caused school closures in the Santa Rita and San Fernando valleys. The fire, which has already caused the evacuation of 50,000 people, has continued to spread through the Northern California canyons, jumping freeways and threatening homes and businesses.

Friday morning it was announced that the fire has already burned 4,300 acres, and the governor of California has declared a state of emergency for both Los Angeles and Sonoma counties.

Currently, California is experiencing a severe wind event, the third one this month, and most likely the strongest one. With the already dry landscape and burning embers, further fires are likely over the weekend.

Pacific Gas & Electric Co. has stated in an article that they are monitoring the fire situation closely, but that widespread power shutoffs are likely to occur over the weekend.

Our thoughts go out to all those in the path of the fires and we hope that they will be contained with minimal damage to homes and businesses.

We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates. As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.