WSSA has joined forces with a number of organizations from varying industries in endorsing a letter to the President, Secretaries, Congress, Governors, and the Press. The letter requests assistance in ensuring that the congestion issues plaguing the West Coast do not lead to a complete shut down of ports
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Work stoppage concerns are escalating at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach as terminals continue to experience skilled labor shortages, specifically in the way of Rubber Tire Gantry (RTG) operators. These operators man the transtainers that pick containers and place them on truck chassis.
Terminals are reporting getting half to less-than-half of what they are ordering.

Tension is building on the West Coast as the ILWU negotiations continue to drag on while the congestion issue worsens. Yesterday, the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) issued a press release claiming that the ILWU is engaging in work slowdowns at the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma.

Members of Congress representing the Los Angeles and Long Beach area are putting pressure on the ILWU and marine terminals to speed up negotiations in order to finally allow the West Coast ports to return to normal operations.
While labor is one component of the problem, West Coast congestion can also be attributed to the chassis shortage and confusion, new mega-ships overloading terminals with containers, and PierPass, which contributes to trucker congestion.

All WSSA members are cordially invited to attend the Northeast Cargo Symposium 2014 put on by the Coalition of New England Companies for Trade (CONECT).
Come and see the Wine and Spirits Shippers Association's Managing Director, Alison Leavitt, as she serves as Panel Moderator for the Symposium's discussion on how to streamline import and export clearance operations by unifying Customs and the FDA as "One U.S.